BENEFUN INT'L<1130> - Announcement & Resumption of Trading

The  Stock  Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for
the  contents of this announcement, makes no representation as to its
accuracy  or  completeness  and  expressly disclaims any liability
whatsoever  for  any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon
the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.

Benefun International Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

Termination of Agreements relating to
Subscription of New Shares

The  board  of  directors (the `Board') of Benefun International
Holdings  Limited  (the  `Company')  announced that pursuant to two
subscription  agreements both dated 24th June, 1999 (the `Subscription
Agreements'),  the  Company  has  conditionally agreed to issue and
Forest  Leader  Limited (`Forest Leader') and Danmeter (Asia) Limited
(`Danmeter')  (the  `Subscribers')  have  respectively  agreed to
subscribe  for 39 million and 6 million new shares of HK$0.1 each (the
`Subscription  Shares')  in  the  share capital of the Company (the
`Subscription')  at  a  price of HK$0.25 per Subscription Share (the
`Subscription Price').

Each  of  the Subscription Agreements is conditional upon the Listing
Committee  of  Stock  Exchange  of  Hong Kong Limited (the `Stock
Exchange')  granting  or  agreeing  to  grant the listing of, and
permission  to  deal in, the number of Subscription Shares refered to
in  the respective Subscription Agreement on or before 12th July, 1999
or  such  later  date as the respective parties to the Subscription
Agreements may agree.

On  26th  June, 1999, the Stock Exchange informed the Company that it
would  not  grant  listing  of,  and  permission to deal in, the
Subscription  Shares  to  be  issued  pursuant to the Subscription
Agreements.  As  a result, the Subscription Agreements cannot become
unconditional  and  have been terminated in accordance with the terms

The  Company  will continue to explore the possibility of issuing new
shares  to Forest Leader and Danmeter on substantially the same terms
and conditions as set out in the Subscription Agreements.

The  Company requested suspension of tradings of the Company's shares
on  both the Stock Exchange and the Singapore Stock Exchange from 25th
June,  1999 to 29th June, 1999. Tradings of the Company's shares will
resume  on  10:00  a.m.  on the Stock Exchange and 9:00 a.m. on the
Singapore Stock Exchange on 30th June, 1999.

On  10th  June,  1999,  the  Company identified the Subscribers as
potential  investors  and  the  Company and the Subscribers started
negotiations  on  the price and the number of shares to be placed to
the  Subscribers. The Subscription Price was preliminary determined on
the  same day. The Company later announced on 16th June and 21st June,
1999  that  the directors were not aware of any reasons regarding the
exceptional  price  movement  of the Company's shares. On 24th June,
1999,  the  Company entered into the Subscription Agreements with the
Subscribers.  The  Company  requested suspension of tradings of the
Company's  shares  on both the Stock Exchange and the Singapore Stock
Exchange  Limited on 25th June, 1999 pending the issue by the Company
of  an announcement giving details of the Subscription Agreements. The
Stock  Exchange  expresses concerns over the announcement made by the
Company  on  16th June and 21st June, 1999 which did not mention the
negotiations  regarding  the  Subscription which had taken place and
reserves  the right to take disciplinary actions against the directors
of the Company if it considers appropriate.

Termination of the Subscription Agreements
In  view  of  the  circumstances  surrounding  the making of the
announcement  by  the Company on 16th June, and 21st June, 1999, the
Stock  Exchange informed the Company on 26th June, 1999 that it would
not  grant  listing  of, and permission to deal in the Subscription
Shares  to  be  issued pursuant to the Subscription Agreements. As a
result,  the  Subscription Agreements cannot become unconditional and
have been terminated in accordance with the terms thereof.

The  Company  is in tight liquidity position and the Company intended
to  use  the proceeds from the Subscription to repay bank borrowings
and other liabilities.

The  Company requested suspension of tradings of the Company's shares
on  both the Stock Exchange and the Singapore Stock Exchange from 25th
June,  1999 to 29th June, 1999. Tradings of the Company's shares will
resume  on  10:00  a.m.  on the Stock Exchange and 9:00 a.m. on the
Singapore Stock Exchange on 30th June, 1999.

                               By Order of the Board  
                               Tan Sim Chew                          

Hong Kong, 29th June, 1999